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Головна » 2017 » Січень » 14 » GAIA in the U.S.: Standing for strong waste and climate policy
GAIA in the U.S.: Standing for strong waste and climate policy

GAIA’s US & Canada program has been closely monitoring the Clean Power Plan in the last few months. California, where our U.S. office is based, has started the official process of developing a compliance plan with the federal Clean Power Plan. In September, GAIA was honored to join CBE, CRPE, and many many others calling for no carbon trading in the state CPP implementation. Dozens of environmental justice advocates spoke at a state meeting in the capital of Sacramento, and many more signed official comment letters to the state. In 2013, California decided the existing cap and trade program would exempt climate pollution from incinerators for three years. That is just one of a long list of environmental injustices, continued pollution, and serious flaws in cap and trade programs.To read more about problems with carbon trading, please see case studies on the globclimate-solution-polution-1al Clean Development Mechanism supporting polluting projects around the world, a report on problems with the EU Emissions Trading System, and the Our Power Plan from the United States. GAIA also worked to ensure that the Clean Power Plan’s Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) truly benefits vulnerable and environmental justice communities. In August, GAIA helped organize a delegation of organizations to testify at the EPA’s only public hearing on the CEIP held in Chicago. In addition to providing environmental justice comments, we also urged the EPA to stand up to industry pressure and to prevent biomass incineration to be added to the CEIP (as a form of renewable energy). Finally, GAIA along with many of its network members attended the BEA Clean Power Plan Forum where over 150 environmental and grassroots organizations gathered to learn from one another and work better together on CPP state implementation.

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