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Головна » 2018 » Березень » 7 » London support sought for Global Recycling Day
London support sought for Global Recycling Day

The organisers of the first Global Recycling Day, which takes place on Sunday March 18 2018, are seeking a central London local authority to help with the upcoming event. It’s hoped an authority would allow the organisers, the Brussels-based Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) , to “showcase the scale of what is possible, by using large bundles of recycled materials in a central location”. The BIR have also said the day differs to other recycling promotional events as it helps to provide “one unified approach to recycling” across the world. The event will take place this month for the first time, joining a range of other initiatives, including WRAP’s ‘Recycle Week’ which is entering its 15th year in September. This year’s Recycle Week runs from 24-30 September. WRAP is not officially involved with the global day but are believed to be watching it closely and support the aims of spreading a recycling message. Petition The BIR has begun a petition for a unified global approach to recycling which has generated more than 4,800 signatures since its launch last year. It intends to hand the petition to the United Nations. To see more about the petition, click here. Ranjit Baxi, president of the BIR, explained to letsrecycle.com that despite other initiatives the day is the first truly global one. He said: “Whilst there are already some very important country-focused initiatives in place, we see Global Recycling Day as bringing together a critical mass of voices around all the continents of the world, working together to create one unified approach to recycling. This year we have launched a petition calling on the United Nations to officially recognise Global Recycling Day and drive firm and urgent steps to promote recycling.” Reaction UK environment minister Thérèse Coffey MP has been on record to signal her support for the event. In a statement, she said that despite “great progress” being made in the UK, days such as this are still very important. Dr Coffey said: “Everyone has a responsibility to think about the waste they produce and to recycle as much as they can. In the UK we have made great progress in increasing our recycling rate, which now stands at over 44%. Global Recycling Day is a reminder to us all of the difference we can make to protect our environment by disposing of our rubbish responsibly and is an opportunity to make sure that we are recycling all that we can.” Others such as UN assistant secretary general Nikhil Seth have also backed the initiative, saying he “strongly believes” that global recycling day will be instrumental in raising the awareness needed to amplify its recycling practices. Worldwide approach The BIR say it established the day to help achieve its goal of greater international recognition of the benefits of recycling. “Setting a day each year to mark the vital role that recycling plays in preserving the wellbeing of our planet is an effective way of focusing worldwide attention on the steps urgently needed to help safeguard the earth”, the group said in statement. London, Paris, Brussels, Sao Paolo, Washington DC and many others all set to celebrate the world’s first Global Recycling Day by hosting a range of events. This includes a press conference at World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) France’s Headquarters in Paris and the launch of a campaign in Johannesburg. “These events will encourage individuals to pledge to make at least one change to their recycling habits”, the BIR said. Contact and support For more information about BIR’s Global Recycling Day in the UK and for offers of support, contact: Hannah Kerslake at Flagship Consulting, tel: 020 7680 7122, email: Hannah.kerslake@flagshipconsulting.co.uk.

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